mind | body | poetry

Movement creates possibility.
Hi, my name is Deb. I'm so happy you stopped by!
I'm a neurodevelopmental learning specialist. I'm also a poet and a poetry teacher. My work thrives on the principle that movement liberates language, learning, creativity, and emotional balance.
It is my great joy to help students and clients "fire up" self-confidence and success through purposeful movement. Physical agility prompts cognitive flexibility...
"Every time we move in an organized manner, full brain activation and integration occurs, and the door to learning opens." - Carla Hannaford, Ph. D.
Move, play, and "rewire" early developmental patterns.
Address mental, physical, and emotional challenges through an all-natural, drug-free approach that goes beyond just treating the symptoms.
Empower focus, self-regulation, language expression and much more through movement-based sessions that can "rewire" early developmental patterns. Happy to see you online or in person!
Ready to let go of old thoughts and habits that no longer serve you? Interested in a body-centered approach to creating healthy new patterns?
A personalized session with Deb balances the whole mind/body system. Set new goals and regain your clarity. Movement with intention makes it happen. Let's work together in person in Los Angeles, or wherever you are via Zoom!
"Deb Studebaker is absolutely magical... I cannot begin to describe the amazing impact she has had on my 5th grade students..." Lindsey Houlberg, educator, El Rodeo Elementary School. Learn about the Moved to Write® process, and bring a Poetry Studio program to your school.
The powerhouse combo of language and movement fires up young writers' potential! Learn about the Moved to Write® process, and bring a Poetry Studio home program to your child in person or via online sessions.
"...an increasing body of literature shows that motor development, movement and exercise facilitate thinking and learning."
- Lynne Kenney, Psy.D
Every client and student deserves individualized attention. Tell me a little about your situation, and I'll get back to you soon with creative ideas from Brain Gym® and/or my Moved to Write® poetry program.
Brain Gym is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation, Ventura, CA, www.braingym.org
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