Poetry is not just a nourishing and engaging vehicle for self-expression. It's a powerful means of connection—both to one's inner self and to the people who read or listen to it.
Deb Studebaker is not only a writer and a writing teacher; she's a movement educator who understands that writing is a whole-body process! Her holistic approach to teaching poetry includes brain-balancing movement to ignite the imagination as it enhances social/emotional and cognitive capabilities.
Moved to Write enrichment and tutoring sessions playfully draw out each student's unique creative potential, in one-on-one tutoring sessions or in small groups—including homeschooling pods! Deb teaches age-appropriate literary forms and devices, the importance of rethinking and revision, plus performance and presentation techniques.
Private and semi-private sessions can be customized for kindergarten - 12th graders at your home, Deb's office in the Miracle Mile/Beverly Hills area, or on Zoom.
"Deb’s easygoing way of teaching, along with pushing me to do more, has taught me to accept flaws, and edit with new attention... Deb Studebaker doesn't only teach writing, but essential life lessons and skills." - Ness, 10 years old
"When I work with Deb, I feel like I'm free to be who I am... and I learn to think about how words sound." - Goldie, 8 years old
Brain Gym is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation, Ventura, CA, www.braingym.org
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